The chronicles of a (not so)newly married guy, perfecting the art of procrastination over a fresh cup of java.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
New hobby?
Friday, December 01, 2006
I'm Back...
Now I'm off to make a snowman.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Procrastination...The sequel
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Cool video...
A guy on actually made this from taking a picture of every single cup of coffee he drank for a year. This blew me away and maybe, just maybe sometime in the future I would be able to come up with some creative way to showcase my addiction to my love of caffeine!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Cell phone epic...
So I went to the original Bell Mobility dealer that I had purchased the thing at and was told I would need to buy a new phone or get it repaired somewhere, there was nothing they could do.
I went to the suggested repair place, who told me it was a waste of my time to get the pin fixed as it would break in a couple of months again, it would cost "a lot", and the strip of pins on the base of the phone was a connector for a different charger, a better one. But I would have to find it somewhere.
Again, I talked to Bell, Telus, Verizon, Future Shop, Bestbuy, London Drugs and no compatible charger could be found. So after a week I called Bell directly and spoke with a 'manager' who said they wanted my continued business, as it was cheaper to cancel my account rather than finish the term by about $300.00 and said he would mail the charger right away, I would only have to pay the shipping fees. (I was not looking for anything for free, just to be able to use the phone I had and was happy with that). Two days later a charger for the busted pin was mailed to me and I was pissed. With no phone, I couldn't complain.
Yesterday I stopped at Rogers, a place I didn't have much hope as nobody I knew went through them. I asked for the guys help to find a charger for my year old, but discontinued phone, and he said no problem. The charger tip (from, that was recommended for my phone was the broken tip, but he opened several of the packages until he found one that not only fit, but charged the phone.
Just the service alone has gained them a customer, I'm stuck until my contract is up; however, my company never helped me like that, and Roger's Wireless helped me with no hesitation and no requirement.
Two weeks later and I finally have it fully charged and texting!!!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Quick update!!!
2. Finally out of the apartment and moved into the house. It's nice.
But I still have no internet at home!!!!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Back to ... Normal?
I can't wait but somehow feel a little down about it all. I feel that the whole experience coming to an end is a little anti-climactic. So much has changed in the 2006 that I missed. When I 'left' for school I was a newlywed, just off vacation to Mexico, renting an apartment and kind of fell into the whole going to school thing. I was nowhere prepared for what life in an accelerated program would be like. It was a year of juggling everything all at once and unfortunately that meant my personal life came to a halt. There was no time for me, my wife, or family and friends. I lost a lot of time that should have been spent with The Greeds in general. No coming out of school I own a house, I have a baby on the way and besides the people I went to school with I haven't talked to anyone.
Spending time with The Greeds is my biggest priority. I would love to get to know her again, I miss her so much. She's made several comments that I've changed a lot over the past year and I know that was true of her when she went to school. I just hope that I have not changed or grew in another path from her. At least I have a job to lean on for the next year at least while getting back to living; however, I need to catch up with everybody I put on hold.
I just can't believe a year went like that (snap of the fingers). Like waking from hibernation, it's back to business.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Can I have 1... How about just a drag?
I haven't bent to the craving yet...
Just one day at a time I guess... only 65 years to go.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
And by that I mean it was yesterday about 10 pm-ish, and I was driving while it was raining lightly. Between the wiper blades frantic strokes I noticed it 1 or 2 oddly shaped rain drops. The sight invoked a quick panic and flashbacks to skidding through the streets, traffic jams, cold hands, and hot chocolate.
It was.
I don't know if anyone else noticed it... ... a snowflake.
(Insert a quick high-pitched scream.)
Man finds his car seven months after forgetting where he parked it
This is totally something that might have happened to me!! My memory is about as sharp as a steaknifes handle!!
read more | digg story
Monday, September 11, 2006
Burnt toast...
Somewhere in between doing the accelerated schooling, working, preparing to be a father, taking care of the soon to be mom (aka The Greeds), keep up with my chores, searching for a house, buying the house, and house renovations, preparing to move, study for the national exams and spending 3 hours a day commuting in between my commitments it happened.
Now everything I do it's feels as though I am sleepwalking; 14 billion things on my mind and struggling to maintain consciousness. Only 2 and a half weeks to go for school, then I can trade in my textbooks and 19-20 hour days for an 8 hour desk job.
I have never pushed myself this hard in life before and the fact that I am still going has surprised me beyond belief!
There are some sayings that I believe:
- If something can go wrong, it's already starting to...
- Everything will work out in the end. (The Even-Steven rule).
- I am already there, it's done, the results are in, all I have to do is wait for time to catch me up.
15 days to go.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The house...
(If anybody out there is considering the Insurance and Risk Management course, you could study your insurance policies it would be about as interesting! Not bashing the career I'm looking forward to the profession, but the textbooks could be made more interesting... just a smidge.)
So after an ... ahem ... sum of money for misc. tools and supplies, I have set out a brand new handyman. I was planning to paint the upstairs and replace the carpet with laminate flooring. I spent all Friday preparing the walls for paint, hours of sanding and patching as well as ripping out all the carpet, staples and tacking from the floor. Saturday was spent painting the walls which was finished that day and today we painted all the trim and the bathroom! Now almost ready for the flooring next weekend... right on schedule!!
Extreme thanks to all of our family that has put in the sweat and tears helping me to get our first house up to what we want!!!! I owe you all.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Possession date minus one...
I woke up early today and grabbed all my dirty laundry and head out to do it. Instead of taking the usual right at the lights and going to my local Laundromat, I went right and drove to my new (too me) house! I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. It was nothing special though an old washer and dryer in a dark basement, but they didn't take quarters! It was awesome. I'll miss the quiet mornings reading the paper at the L'mat, I may be weird but I found it relaxing. Now I have a ton of work ahead of me, the previous owners were slobs and The Greeds is picky! So I went out and bought a cart full of cleaning supplies and replaced all the lights and started cleaning. I also have to prep the entire upstairs as I bribed some friends and family to come help paint this weekend.
I'm half ready for the tests this week, but there is only two so I think they will go fine. I'll know for sure on Wednesday...
Saturday, September 02, 2006
School vs. Nature…
But who knows maybe, just maybe, starting October I can live the 2006 that I missed this time around... Kinda like yearlight savings time you could say...
Friday, September 01, 2006
Time flies...
With my break (this morning), I grabbed a seat for a couple of poker tourneys finishing both in the money 3rd and 5th places. Decent I figure as I also renovated my blog as you can see from the shiny new layout!
The Greeds is demanding a new name for herself suggesting something like the amazingly entrancing-ly beautiful sexy super-hot wife formally known as the greeds. But that just tells you why my first choice was so good! Seriously though, she is doing great 4 months along and we're both excited and a little scared. I think it will take a lot to get used to having three of us, it took me 4 and 1/2 years to come to terms with the 2 of us before I finally proposed.
After weeks of searching in the hottest real estate market of the world, we finally squeaked out a deal of buying a house! It's sweet, and along with trying to do everything while I'm preparing for final exams....I move in Sunday.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I have got the call...
she was devastated immediately she was devastated thinking the worst.
Jump to yesterday when my cell rang in class. Over the past month I had also been teaching my wife how to use text messaging and instant messenger with much success (as she is technologically challanged) and now she even enjoys using it so we can talk when I can't answer the phone, and catching up with her friends. It seemed funny that she would call so I left class after a couple minutes of worrying. When I called she was crying, and my heart sunk; however, when I asked what was wrong she said it was nothing, ... but that she thought that she was pregnant. Now I don't remember much of the call after hearing the news but it wasn't fear, or panic like I had always imagined this call would be. I must have been in denial, actually I think I still might be. We were worried of a false positive and couldn't get into her docter for a couple weeks so we just took another test. This second test didn't take long to confirm what we hoped for, she is, actually quite, positively pregnant. Like I said, I'm not afraid, just worried. I'm worried that it will be healthy, what sex it will be (even married, I know nothing about girls) and if I can be a good father. It feels good, different, I'm not sure what's different but good...
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Let's go Oilers... clap... clap... clap. clap. clap!
...hope you can make it...
everybody, who's anybody will be there, just don't fall from the light posts it's quite a drop.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
It's Good!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Serenity now...
Fast forward to last friday, noon, and I call ahead to make sure he has tokens.
me: Are there tokens available for today?
him: the procedure hasn't changed, put it in the door and I bring them. I'm very busy and with 71 families I deliver them all at once.
me: I know but I'm just making sure I can get them today, I can't wait 4 days this time, or I'll go to the laundrymat.
him: Yeah,'ll get them just put your check in.
me: Okay it's in now.
The clock throughout the day crawls by at a blazing speed and 10:00pm finally hits. After a long day stewing about all the promises to the greeds I would not be following through. I call him:
me - "Hello, I was wondering when you were delivering todays tokens to everyone?"
And you know what he tells me
him - "Oh, I don't work weekends from 4pm until monday".
me - "That would have been great if that was posted somewhere! But that's why I called you earlier."
him - "Oh, did you put in your check?"
me - "When I called... this morning."
him - "Well I just spent the entire day snaking electrical wires, but I get right on that!"
me - "Great".
Twenty-five minutes later he shows up to my door obviously pissed off. How many do you need he asks, and when I reply with fortyfive dollars worth he blows. He puts the 5 tokens he brought back in his pocket. You know with 71 families bugging me at all hours for these things I don't have to put up with smart ass remarks from some punk. I tell him (loudly) he sould post his hours and give some expectation when someone can get tokens or anything for that matter from him he might not have such a problem. Some louder words were exchanged both ways and he leaves down the hall. Just before I go into my apartment he mutters something about me being an asshole. And the last restraint in my body goes. I yell back at him "Well If you can't manage the building, maybe you should find a new job!". So he screams back with "You want to see how I manage my building, as of tomorrow morning consider yourself evicted!
So that about tells it. I was sick to my stomach with mid terms that week (last week now, they went fine), the Greeds birthday on the 14th, and the chores I promised to do not done I spent the night tossing and turning. After 2 hours of that looked for new apartments, packed up the laundry for the trip to the laundramat, and tossed and turned waiting to hear the notice slid under the door and hoping to grovel to get our place back for a few more months. When the greeds arrived home after her 12 hour night shift, I did what I usually do when I screw something up...I made breakfast! After finally getting around telling her what happened, she laughed and ran to call her mom with the "great" news and we finally get to move out and buy a place. So she was happy and shocked, you see it's usually her that gets angry and blows while I sit back and relax.
By the way, the next day late in the afternoon I got my tokens without the notice...and two days later he apologized!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
One down and one to go...
Sunday, April 02, 2006
On the other hand I had ordered a notebook through and it had finally arrived. It also has collected a weeks worth of dust as it proved to be too much of a distraction while studying. Now though I'm sure it will be a life saver with assignments and such through out the summer. It was a great deal and I love not being tied down; however, it too came with a few problems. I set up the wireless network and transferred most of my stuff of the home computer with no trouble at all. Then I proceeded to blow $49.99 on Microsoft Money as came packaged with my home computer 4 years ago as the deluxe edition me being an idiot assumed that the store edition had most of the features and an option to upgrade online....Wait for it.... The Canadian edition (which I bought) has no upgrade capability and in my opinion no useful features. So I blew $39.99 online and got quicken 2006 BASIC and it does exactly what I need. Finally after countless hours resetting all my financial information (and 1 late bill, but the greeds need not know that) it is up and running and everything else works great. If you're on the southside there is my coffee shop, Bogani's Cafe, it's great, the service, the coffee, just lacks on the hours. With my schedule 10:00 pm is too early to close, but they offer almost free wireless internet (only $5.00 for ... Well ever, until they realize that they are being short-changed for it anyways).
For today anyways...Back to work...
Tim Horton's Rim Count: >> 4 Free Coffees -- 1 Free Donut<<
Monday, March 13, 2006
Those Mondays...
Anyways, with two weeks left until finals I find myself increasingly agitated with the small things. The last stretch is always the hardest but I'm already done my assignments are done, the finals already graded. Now I just have to pass the time till I'm actually there myself.
1 (I may be exaggerating slightly based on how I personally see the world).
Tim Horton's Rim Count: >> 3 Free Coffees -- 1 Free Donut<<
Monday, March 06, 2006
It is time...
Now, almost three years later, I have yet to accomplish anything else (besides actually getting myself into school again but that is another story!). I need to start achieving something, anything and feel like I'm moving in the forward direction in life. So on that note here are my new goals for the next while.
- To be free of debt ASAP. Realistically within 2 years. (Not Including Student Loans).
- To focus and plan my studies to be ahead instead of always catching up.
- To reliably work out (at least three times a week).
- To keep my small promises to others (more).
- To revisit, update and my goals and my progress with them.
- And quit procrastinating.
So we'll see how this goes, Procrastinating my procrastination!
Tim Horton's Rim Count: >> 2 Free Coffees <<
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Last Minute Cramming...
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
The new season is finally here...
Does this mean I'm addicted to gambling... or
Monday, February 27, 2006
The infamous first post...
"I put instant coffee in my microwave and almost went back in time."
-Jack Handy.