Monday, March 13, 2006

Those Mondays...

Again and again, It surprises me everything. I've tried everything to prepare but nothing helps. Somewhere between the serenity on Sunday eve and the unrelenting screaming of my alarm clock 1 Something changes ... all the world turns agains you. Okay it's not that bad. I'm not superstitious; however, perception is everything. When everyone gets up to a day they don't want to start, things begin to happen that are not so much in their favor. For the drivers on the road, you can chalk that up to incompetance. For the idiots holding up the drive-thru at Tim Hortons I shake my fist at you. To the group of 3 sauntering down the hallway holding up the ten people behind you that are late for class you should be ashamed! Ahhhhh! Of course I am sure I am not one of these people, but you'll have to take my word for that.

Anyways, with two weeks left until finals I find myself increasingly agitated with the small things. The last stretch is always the hardest but I'm already done my assignments are done, the finals already graded. Now I just have to pass the time till I'm actually there myself.

1 (I may be exaggerating slightly based on how I personally see the world).

Tim Horton's Rim Count: >> 3 Free Coffees -- 1 Free Donut<<

Monday, March 06, 2006

It is time...

After digging my way through the papers on my desk, the junk mail, the bills, the old receipts I was overcome by an urge to finally push myself past my natural tendency to procrastinate. The time has come where I not only should, but need to set new goals and run as fast as I can with them. I know that I can achieve them if I actually put in the effort. On June 22, 2003, I had ... well my very almost last cigarette and gave up that habit. Check out the newly added counter at the bottom for more info!

Now, almost three years later, I have yet to accomplish anything else (besides actually getting myself into school again but that is another story!). I need to start achieving something, anything and feel like I'm moving in the forward direction in life. So on that note here are my new goals for the next while.

  • To be free of debt ASAP. Realistically within 2 years. (Not Including Student Loans).
  • To focus and plan my studies to be ahead instead of always catching up.
  • To reliably work out (at least three times a week).
  • To keep my small promises to others (more).
  • To revisit, update and my goals and my progress with them.
  • And quit procrastinating.

So we'll see how this goes, Procrastinating my procrastination!

Tim Horton's Rim Count: >> 2 Free Coffees <<

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Last Minute Cramming...

So I'm sitting here flexing my mighty procrastination skills. I have an exam first thing tommorrow and had planned to study all evening. Now as you've probably guessed I have not yet started, I've flipped through the television for 2 hours, played a game online, checked my e-mail (again) and searched for some interesting blogs. I finally decided to start at 8:30 but changed that to 9:30 as soon as 8:29 hit. So as I just got a new coffee I'm sure that I'll start soon...?