Sunday, October 22, 2006


So it has hit again... Finished school, the house is pretty much set up and nothing huge is going on. (Finally) But now it's just hard to get motivated to do anything lately. So going to set some small goals and attempt to push through with them. I'm not going to say what these goals are otherwise I may feel bad about pushing those back!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Cool video...

So as my coffee addiction spins out of control, I was searching for another banner pic when I came across this:

A guy on actually made this from taking a picture of every single cup of coffee he drank for a year. This blew me away and maybe, just maybe sometime in the future I would be able to come up with some creative way to showcase my addiction to my love of caffeine!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Cell phone epic...

For the past couple of months the charger for my cell phone had gone on the fritz. It reminded me of the old TV antennae that you had to maneuver just right to get reception, just to get the thing to charge.

So I went to the original Bell Mobility dealer that I had purchased the thing at and was told I would need to buy a new phone or get it repaired somewhere, there was nothing they could do.

I went to the suggested repair place, who told me it was a waste of my time to get the pin fixed as it would break in a couple of months again, it would cost "a lot", and the strip of pins on the base of the phone was a connector for a different charger, a better one. But I would have to find it somewhere.

Again, I talked to Bell, Telus, Verizon, Future Shop, Bestbuy, London Drugs and no compatible charger could be found. So after a week I called Bell directly and spoke with a 'manager' who said they wanted my continued business, as it was cheaper to cancel my account rather than finish the term by about $300.00 and said he would mail the charger right away, I would only have to pay the shipping fees. (I was not looking for anything for free, just to be able to use the phone I had and was happy with that). Two days later a charger for the busted pin was mailed to me and I was pissed. With no phone, I couldn't complain.

Yesterday I stopped at Rogers, a place I didn't have much hope as nobody I knew went through them. I asked for the guys help to find a charger for my year old, but discontinued phone, and he said no problem. The charger tip (from, that was recommended for my phone was the broken tip, but he opened several of the packages until he found one that not only fit, but charged the phone.

Just the service alone has gained them a customer, I'm stuck until my contract is up; however, my company never helped me like that, and Roger's Wireless helped me with no hesitation and no requirement.

Two weeks later and I finally have it fully charged and texting!!!